Mayor’s Youth Academy – Summer Work-Based Learning

Each summer, Youth Engagement Services (a.k.a. Mayor’s Youth Academy) brings together local government agencies, private sector employers, community-based organizations, and small businesses to provide City of Richmond youth, between the ages of 16 -24, with an array of summer work experiences. Through our seven-week Y.E.S. Summer Work–Based Learning program, we strive to:

  • Expose youth to a variety of career paths
  • Develop employability skills
  • Provide professional mentors and instructors
  • Provide safe and constructive summer opportunities for youth

Employers throughout the City of Richmond make this annual program possible by volunteering to serve as partner employers and providing structured job placements for youth participants. By partnering with the Youth Engagement Services, you will be part of the development of a new emerging workforce and the leaders of tomorrow. There are many ways to participate, including:

  • Providing structured Work-Based Learning internship opportunities for the city of Richmond youth
  • Providing financial sponsorships for various program components (i.e. transportation, uniforms, meals for youth, etc.)
  • Mentorship and/or training opportunities
  • Collaboration or Networking

If you or someone you know, is passionate about shaping the future workforce and providing opportunities for youth development, we invite you to sign up to host students this summer and/or sponsor some of our upcoming events. If you would like to learn more about our programs and how you can partner, I invite you to join one of our upcoming Partner Information Sessions. You can sign up using this link:  

If you are ready to begin the Partner Registration process, please use this link to register:

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Richmond’s youth. We look forward to partnering with you and creating positive change together.
